Friday, July 28, 2023

To: All Elected City and County Officials:

To: Elected Officials of the 
City of San Antonio,
County of Bexar, Texas

 In re: Complaint and request for a thorough and independent criminal investigation into a joint SAPD/Bexar County Medical Examiner's Office Evidence Fixing Scandal, under case assignment No# 90673179, M.E.# 1726-90, Trial Court # 1991-CR-1948A [Murder] The State of Texas V. Cornell Jackie Drummer, Civil Action No# SA-23-CV-00389-OLG Cornell Jackie Drummer V. Ken Paxton.

 To: All Elected City and County Officials:

     In reference to the above complaint and on behalf of the citizens of San Antonio and Bexar county, Texas, despite complaints being filed with City, County, State and Federal authorities, it has been brought to our attention that a massive evidence fixing scandal and corrupt judicial operation has been playing out in your City/County for more than three decades without an independent investigation. And, it has further been discovered that this operation is also associated with bribery, DA favoritism, indigent defense court appointed attorney double billing, grand jury racketeering, racial jury misconduct, and a "Pay-to-Play" judge donation campaign. 

    Because this corruption has been going on for far too long, and the people of the City of San Antonio and Bexar County, Texas deserve better justice and accountability, we are calling on elected City and County Officials to launch an immediate investigation into the corruption within the Texas Judicial system that has undermined the confidence and integrity of the Bexar County Judicial system. This investigation should be conducted by the Department of Justice, and should be headed by United States Attorney General Merrick Garland.

     We believe that he is the appropriate authority to investigate this matter, as he has the necessary resources and expertise to uncover the truth. We also urge the city and county officials to present this matter to the United States Attorney General so that he may take swift and decisive action to ensure that all individuals responsible for the corruption are held accountable. We must ensure that justice is served and that all individuals are treated fairly under the law. 

`   In furtherance, we call on our legislators to address any and all corruption that has been going on within our Texas Criminal Justice system and that has been left unchecked for far too long. We urge our representatives to take action and pass legislation that will help to end this corruption. 

    We believe that the Texas Attorney General should also be responsible for addressing this issue. He should work with legislators to craft a plan of action that will help to eliminate this problem within the Texas Criminal Justice system and ensure that the people of Texas are protected from the corruption that has been taking place. We trust that he will take the necessary steps to ensure that justice is served and that the people of Texas can trust their government.

     Should you have any questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me. 
For further information go to DA Crew Podcast (Queen of Collaboration: Angela Thomas Smith). 
Free Texas Campaign... We Are The Change We Desire. Thank you for your attention. 

Sincerely, Cornel Jackie Drummer 
TDCJ# 00619316
 John B. Connally Unit 
899 FM 632 
Kenedy, Texas 78119

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