Thursday, February 22, 2024

Due to the political forces in this case, without any outside investigation to be conducted by Mr.Merrick Garland, United States Department of Justice


 Joe Gonzales, whom is the Bexar County DA and OVER  the entire operation. 


 (1) San Antonio Police Department Case Assignment#90673179, Date of Incident:12-28-90 Location: 106 East Canton Street San Antonio, Texas Shooting: Homicide Subject:Willie D.Graggs Agent: Randy Edward Jones#1086, SAPD-Officer Roger Dean Horner#0535, SAPD-Officer Reginal Speller#2241,SAPD-Criminal Evidence Technician Richard Sanchez#2017,SAPD-Criminal Evidence Technician Alvin C. Brown#2236,SAPD-Homicide Detective

 (2) San Antonio Police Department's Evidence Property Room KTage#137903, Property:Gun/Smith and Wesson w/ 5 Live Round and 1 Spent Round bullets, gloves, assorted papers, Agent:Reginal Speller #2241,SAPD-Criminal Evidence Technician Date Received:12-28-90 w/5 Live and 1 Spent round bullets. Date Removed:6-9-92 for Court purposes w/5 Live and 1 Spent round bullets. Comments:4 Live, 2 empty shell casings and 1 bullet slug presented to court at State's Exhibit#17 in a manella envelope. 

(3) Bexar County Criminal Laboratory Forensic Science Center (Medical Examinber's Office) M.E.No.#1726-90 Subject:Willie D.Graggs Age:42, Race:Black Male Date:12-28-90 Agent:Mrs.Suzanna E.Dana,Deputy Chief Medical Examiner Conclusion:Homicide by 1 single gunshot would to center of chest, No evidence of close range firing, direction of bullet was front to back, left to right, almost horizontal, Clothing: Moderate amount of grey bullet wipes to bottom front right of shirt below entry wound,

 (4) Gunsbnoit Residue Analysis Report M.E.No#1726-90 Willie Graggs Sample Taken:12-28-90 Received By:J.L.Castorena, M.SC.,DABFT Date Completed: 02-15-91 Findings:Large amount of gunshot residue to left hand and smaller amount to right hand indecating recent firing of weapon. 

(5) Even though records does indecate test firing of a weapon by Bexar County Medical Examinert's Office on 12-28-90, the SAPD- Evidence Property Room Computer Files disputes these findings by revealing that weapon recovered from crime scene was never picked up or released to anyone of an outside agency to be test fired including the Bexar County Medical Examiner's Office Ballistic Division. All information and government documents establishing the firing of ballistic treating in this particular case are falsified documents used by the Bexar County DA's Office to secure a wrongful conviction at Test Fire No.# N-90-3844.

(6) On June 12, 1992, under Trial Court No.#1991-CR-1948-A, in the 144th Judicial District Court, Bexar County, Texas, before visiting judge Peter Michael Curry, before a jury panel of 3 white males, 3 white females, 3 Hispanic males and 3 Hispanic females, under the representation of Mr.DeMetrio Duarte Jr, a court appointed attorney and former Bexar County Assistant Criminal District Attorney, Cornel Jackie Drummer was found guilty and sentenced to 99 years for acting as a party to murder for the taken of the murder weapon presented at State's Exhibit#1 and placing it into the right hand of the subject Willie D. Graggs on 12-28-90.

(7) Under Court of Appeals No# 04-92-00406-CR, it has since been discovered that no Clerk's Records and Court Reporter's Records were sent to the Fourth Court of Appeals to support the May 26, 1993, decision of the Justice's opinion affirming the judgment of conviction on a claim of insufficiency of evidence. The Clerk's Computer File Records show "NO DESCRIPTION AVAILABLE". Therefore, this particular case has not had any judicial review.

 (8) Let the record reflect, it is our complaint that where the initial Affidavit for Arrest Warrant of 02-01-91, is not signed and dated by the Homicide Investigative Detective Alvin C. Brown and a Justice of the Peace to confirm the Oath of the complaint, no probable cause has ever been established to arrest me for murder and to hold me in jail without any evidence to link me to the offense of murder. Instead, the Bexar County DA's Office knowingly filed a false Delivery of Cocaine offense against me to secure a conviction on me under Cause No.#1992-CR-1231, in which the court judge and my lawyer forced me to trial on before a jury of 11 whites and 1hispanic to be sentenced on March 27,1992, to 55 years over the June 12, 1992, murder case conviction.

 Due to the political forces in this case, without any outside investigation to be conducted by Mr.Merrick Garland, United States Department of Justice a total conflict of interest will continue to exist in San Antonio and Bexar County, Texas, to cover up this massive judicial corrupted operation.

 We are seeking for an interview with Mrs.Erica Hernandez, KSAT-12 News Investigative Reporter.

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