Dear People of Texas, DOJ, and FBI,
We are reaching out to you in desperation for help. Recently, there have been reports of seizures, suicide attempts and killings occurring within TDCJ and the response from the officers and the administration has been inadequate. A couple weeks ago a seizure occurred in the Connally unit, officers were not present, and it took an outside family member of another inmate to call and notify the front office. Additionally, when someone from the ombudsman office visited the unit, they were told that the seizures were a result of K2, which is not true. I have inmates that will swear under oath that they overheard conversation. Today is April 3rd and I have yet to hear back from the ombudsman about this complaint I sent March 4th. So I have no idea what will be in the report from the ombudsman. I am patiently awaiting a response from the ombudsman or anyone that will address these issues. Not addressing them will not make them or me go away.
We believe that there is a widespread issue of misconduct and dishonesty within the prison system, and it needs to be addressed immediately. It is unacceptable for inmates to be losing their lives at an alarming rate, and for the state to turn a blind eye to the problem. It is clear that those in power are more concerned with profit than with the well-being and safety of the people they are supposed to protect.
We urge you to intervene and bring in outside sources that have no ties to Texas to investigate these allegations thoroughly. The current leadership within the judicial system and TDCJ are failing us, and it is time for accountability and change. If the Governor is unwilling to address these issues, then he must be held accountable and/or impeached.
The state of Texas should not be proud of leading the nation in wrongful incarcerations, exonerations, and executions. It is time for a shift in priorities and a focus on justice and compassion for all individuals, regardless of their circumstances.
We implore you to take swift action and investigate the accusations of misconduct and negligence within the prison system. Lives are at stake, and it is our duty to ensure that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, even those who have been incarcerated.
Please help us bring justice and accountability to the state of Texas. The people deserve better than what they are currently receiving from their leaders. I AM WILLING TO SIT DOWN AND TALK WITH ANYONE WILLING TO DO RIGHT AND HOLD OTHERS ACCOUNTABLE TOO.!!!!
Concerned Citizens of UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Original notice sent and Published on
3/4/24 11:22 AM
********SPECIAL NOTE**********
TO: Office of the Inspector General & ombudsman
Thanks for doing your job, but what are you all doing about the increased deaths? Who's addressing your reports once that have been created?
Everybody is busy investigating and reporting but who's addressing the issues from the reports. March 27th Connally Unit -Inmate Chops off penis
Life coaches & regular inmates are on suicidal watch duty of other inmates (when did that become part of TDCJ protocol which policy is that?) This is causing undue Trauma and stress to other inmates not to mention they are not certified nor are they qualified mental health professional.
Connally Unit inmates are still complaining about the water.....
Why do we have signage for the public not to consume the water but we giving it to inmates? Why again is their a water advisory at Connally?
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