Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Dear State of Texas Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigations,

 Dear State of Texas Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigations,

I am writing to you today with a sense of urgency regarding the inhumane conditions and undue trauma being inflicted upon inmates within the state of Texas. Reports from inmates and their families continue to pour in, detailing instances of neglect, abuse, and even death at the hands of those sworn to serve and protect.

It is clear that the current leadership within the TDCJ has failed in their duty to ensure the safety and well-being of those under their care. Instead of focusing on rehabilitation and preparing inmates for reentry into society, it seems that many are simply fighting to survive in what has been described as "The Wild Wild West" of prisons.

The recent reports of officers beating inmates, resulting in death, as well as the staggering number of suicides within the prison system, are clear indications that immediate action must be taken. The culture of cover-up and protection of those responsible for these atrocities must be exposed and eradicated.

I am calling on you, as the authorities responsible for ensuring justice and upholding the rights of all individuals, to launch a thorough and impartial investigation into the state of the Texas prison system. The same individuals who have been complicit in these failures for decades cannot be trusted to bring about meaningful change. It is time for outside intervention from entities with no vested interests in the power and money that flows through the TDCJ.

We mre calling for the following case to be reopened, Ruiz vs. Estelle, the Texas Prison Reform & Litigations Act, the 8th Amendment, and laws prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment. The ombudsman office, which is supposed to serve as a watchdog for inmate rights, appears to be complicit in the cover-up of abuses within the prison system.

The time for action is now. Lives are at stake and justice must be served. I implore you to prioritize this matter and take decisive steps to address the systemic issues within the Texas prison system.

Angela Thomas Smith, Co-Founder of The Free Texas Campaign

I received a call on Sunday 3/24/24
1.  stating that 4-5 OFFICERS beat up an inmate and he later died at hospital.
2.,  another suicide a 19 yr old baby
3.   inmates have started referring to the prison as the WILD WILD WEST  
4.   They killing us by slowly starving us with Johnny's (a dab of peanut butter and a heavy amount of substance that they think is syrup but cant be identified and that's the normal.  Why is Huntsville allowing the constantly feeding these inmates like animals.
5.  I have yet to hear back about the inmate that was found dead in his cell and EMts refuse to remove the body or the stabbing death in Connally unit g2 was stabbed and killed by g4 this should've never happened they should have been in the same area.


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